Friday, March 29, 2013

Song Orders (for albums or otherwise)

Sometimes you just get stumped trying to order songs. Sometimes, just for fun or for lack of time or patience, I just let the computer order them; that is, they are alphabetical. Sometimes it's just the order on my mp3 player. No matter the reason, every time I have gone with it, alphabetical order has worked really well.

If you ever find yourself stumped, try it out. Seriously, never let me down once. It's usually got just the right mix of the styles that I do or that I listen to that I am surprised and elated when a song changes. Key word here: surprised. A little surprise in terms of music is almost always a good thing.

So give it a whirl, on yr mp3 player. You can try it out with no casualties. And please, give me feedback; I really want to hear if this worked for you, and how. Or how it did not work out for you.

Here's a picture of Lucille Ball riding a blow-up horsie, hawking RC Cola!

Where's my Moon-Pie?!?

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