Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Notes for Mapping Out My FCB1010 for Ableton

So, read this if you want to be bored or, if you are in The Inner Party and want to know what the hell I'm up to. It's just a web-accessible document for me to figure out how to set up my FCB1010. I decided to keep it public. Why the hell not?

Current Set:

Tuesday: A quiet setting, Delay, Maybe a high synth (CP_Numan01)

Student Loans: Nothing

Chateau Nervoso: Lead setting, Delay, Synth sounds (Minimoog Numan01 Low, and Discovery "Buzz" up an octave volume set on the second expression pedal, delay on the MM, Reverb on the Disc.)

World of Douchebags: Backing vocal samples triggered by pedals from an audio track, Maybe a high synth of some kind (Buzzy?) from G2M. Really want vocal effects too on this track. Maybe I'll try that on a later version of this setting.

Souvenirs: Quiet setting, Modulation and Reverb for "walkdown" parts (set reverb level to Expression Pedal 1 to nothing but reverb and try to emulate old Bunny Prole version?)

Used Parts: Bit Crusher or something similar, Make sample of keyboard noise from old IP setts and set up in Simpler hopefully controlled by G2M.

Minimum Wage: Really heavy delay (with mod?) for octave down parts in verses

Untouchable: Lead setting, Delay, Chorus on Ending?, High gain dist or fuzz maybe, Tryout that synthy sounding effect in GuitRig3 on last chorus, or Tryout high Numan01, or Pro-53 sound, on ending and break between verses and see how it reacts to chords (set to expression pedal for pitch, LPed bend +12, RPed bend another +12)

Spome: Normal volume setting, Lead setting, High gain dist or fuzz if it sounds good on my amp, Delay, Sample of guitar playing low E and the intro/outro "hits", Vocal effects would also be great on this song but we'll save that for a later incarnation

It's Alright Now: Lead setting for last verse on, Trigger sample of the drums from the original demo of the song on the ending.

So, I need:
1. A basic dry average volume setting.
2. A quiet setting.
3. A lead setting.
4. General delay.
5. Numan01 Low
6. Numan01 High, volume controlled by exp pedal.
7. Discovery "Buzzy" space sound, controlled by exp pedal.
8. Chorus
9. High-gain distortion or a good fuzz.
10. Chorus
11. Bit Crusher
12. Vocal samples for Douchebags
13. Ending drum sample for Alright.
14. Guitar low E sample and intro/outro "hits"

Got to think about this....

Here's a romance novel cover...

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