Friday, March 8, 2013

Mapping Out FCB1010 Pt 2 (Duck Roll Call)

I've realized that it would be pointless to start programming the FCB1010 without figuring out all of the sounds that I need. So, I haven't touched the thing since yesterday and, instead, I've been mentally mapping out what I need with a few extras thrown in, in the utterly unheardof chance that the basics go really smoothly and fast. There is no chance so, pretty much, ignore anything that says "Sample," "maybe," or "try..."

Tuesday - None
                 Delay +Buzzy or Numan01 (Vol Right Pedal)

Student Loans - None

Chateau Nervoso - Ld +LowNuman01 (Vol Left Pedal) +Discovery Buzzy (V Right Pedal)
                               Ld +Dly +LowNuman01 (Vol Left Pedal) +Discovery Buzzy (V Right Pedal)

World of Douchebags - Dly
                                      Sample - Bck Vox on Chorus (both notes)
                                      Sample - Bck Vox Phrases (all three)

Souvenirs - None
                   Chorus +Reverb (Level on Right Pedal?)
                   Sample - Delayed "solo"

Used Parts - Bit Crusher
                    Bit Crusher +Lead +Dly

Minimum Wage - None (or HiG)
                             None (or HiG) +Loud Dly (on Right Pedal, could that be a send? so the delays
                             continue after mute?)

Untouchable - Fuzz or HiGain (HiG)
                        HiG +Lead +Dly
                        HiG +GuitarRig3 "synthy effect"? (on Pedal)
                        or, HiG +Numan01 (or Pro-53 sound) with pitch control set on both pedals, i.e. Left
                        Pedal 0 to +12, Right Pedal 0 to an additional +12

Spome - HiG
               HiG +Lead
               HiG +Lead +Delay
               Sample - Sample of guitar intro hits
               Sample - Low "E"

It's Alright Now - None
                             Sample - Drum Noise

Sample - Create Mr. S Handclaps sample and trigger in 8th note pairs with a pedal? (Spome, Untouchable)

Here's a picture of a grasshopper eating. It reminds me of the pics I've taken for the official "Stuck Up" video.

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