Friday, April 12, 2013

Brass Turtle Has Breakfast: New Drawings and That

Started two new drawings tonight. By started I mean, I cropped and edited the photos and printed bits to trace out important bits. And that.

I've been digging through old sketchbooks. They're full of good stuff. I used to think that I needed to scan them for my own use; and I do still think that. But, I now think that I need to scan them and use them as art posts. Tons of stuff in those and they're only good if taken as a whole; that is, sketches and text all mixed up, with notes and water stains and all.

Here's a bit, only trans-typed (ha, a word) and not scanned.

"Archeology Revisited

In between Jacksonville and Sherwood, AR, there are some soybean fields. Several decades ago, a land-fill was started beside these fields. As a kid, I watched the land-fill grow from a tiny hump to it's present form-a large hill. I thought about the hill + the fact that it is not constructed as hills usually are (plate tectonics) but is, in fact, a giant hill of human trash. It seemed just amusing at first but eventually it occurred to me that this was, in fact, a sort of accidental time-capsule. In a way, it is analogous to Indian and Celtic burial mounds. However, instead of holding a treasure of gold and silver, it holds a treasure of human history; waiting for future archeologists."

I really wanted to change a few things, but I did not. That's verbatim.

Still, it's much better viewed in hand writing with the sketch that's there and all.

Now, go buy a hot-dog from that guy on Dickson and stuff it down your gullet in a squirrel-nervous frenzy, sitting by the spring that no one knows about that is 40ft away from the hot-dog stand.

Here's a Twinkie-Weiner Sandwich!

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