Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Stuff To Do, Update May 22, 2013

So, now that I've updated this list two times, it's getting really cluttered and my ADD is going crazy when I look at it. So this is the last update. Time to make a totally new, cleaned-up list. Will start that in about fifteen minutes, once I'm at Kingfish.

1. Focus
2. Finish official video for "Stuck Up"
3. Storyboard official video for "Fix Me"
4. Finish video for "We Live Majique" Update: Made some headway with this and I think this is what I'm going to do after typing this. Update (May 21): This video is really almost done. But, it turns out that some things I started trying with it experimentally while drinking were interesting and actually set me on a slightly different path. It's a much better video now, more suited to the song and, I think, enhances the listening experience rather than detracting from it. Like I said, literally almost done. I mainly have to make a couple of creative choices.
5. Make, test, edit, test, scrap, remake, test, edit and upload Twitter background while NOT being distracted by tweets   Update: this was actually supposed to be about not just the background but also the banner or header or whatever they call it on Twitter. That part, the header title thing, is done. I thought at first the image I used was going to be temporary. But I decided that I like it quite a bit. So, for now, it's staying. So, one thing out of two down....
6. Decide on a "featured" list of songs to be on all artist sites and which songs will be exclusive to which sites
7. Figure out how the hell to use Facebook "page" and how much it can be customized. Update (May 21): Made some headway with this. But I just keep finding things about the way the pages work that drive me crazy. They're terribly wonky. And every time I think I've figured one thing out, or a workaround at least, I run into yet another thing that just doesn't work. Still wish I could have my "page" without the constant ADD-inducing annoyance of the "personal" account. I don't need any freakin distractions.
8. Do taxes Update: Done! Doubt I'll get any of it though. I owe a TON on student loans and I think, this year, they'll finally keep it. Fingers slightly crossed though... Update (May 21): Yep, they kept it! No music gear for me and The Inner Party. My tax returns are the only way I really can ever buy anything that costs more than about ten bucks.
9. Write some blog posts that aren't lists of things for me to remember to do Update: Started getting kind of regular with this almost, sort of. Update (May 21): Scratch that. Regularity was an illusion.
10. Finish "Burning City" series of paintings
11. Decide if my artist i.e. "fine artist" name is going to be the VERY common Keith Miller (or KA Miller, etc) or Bunny Prole. Or, maybe, El Blanco? Done. I decided to use, basically, a company name with my real name attached to it, instead of using a pseudonym or something. In the long run I think this approach will be the best bet as Burning City Studios will be the brand name hopefully for not only 2D visual art, but also furniture and video, as well as a parent company to my musical output.
12. Research and choose art portfolio website to upload art to Done. Considering that there are several free ones, I realized that it's stupid to sell things on only one. My decision is D: All of the above. So, the list for now is: Redbubble, Zazzle, and some others that I can't remember at the moment. It's been a couple of weeks since I put thought into this one.
12: Part 2. Collect images to use on aforementioned art-selling sites. Prep it, using file requirement info from each site, and upload. Update (May 21): Been collecting a lot of graphic work from old DVD backups, which has been a week long, time eating nightmare. But, some good stuff is coming together.
13. Design watermark that is tasteful, functional, and unobtrusive (possible?) Update (May 21): Not even sure I'm going to do this now. After reading some good blog posts on the subject of protecting your art online I decided to go with the low-res, small dimension image approach suggested by Dan over at Empty Easel.
14. Write artist statement (where do I even begin?)
15. Make Slaptogether video for "It's Alright Now" or "Chateau Nervoso"
16. Brainstorm new "Light" drawings Update (May 21): I have some new ideas for the series but honestly nothing astounding yet. However, after looking through old sketchbooks and at some of my older unfinished schoolwork, I realized that there are a lot of good ideas I barely started to put to use. So, for now, that will be my direction.
17. Look into pricing for prints of existing "Light" drawings
18. Research and purchase a good new printer
19. Create a Facebook "page" for my "fine" art Done. Burning City Studios is open for business! The graphic images I referred to on number 12, part 2, actually came from me trying to find examples of my graphic work to put up on that page. So far there are a decent number of drawings, though still lacking in the ones from the Fayetteville Arts Festival somewhat. But in my design folder there is only currently my "Burning City Graphics" logo and business card image. The more I dig through my design work though, the more it seems like I don't have any damn design work. Or at least that it's still lost in the ether somewhere. More time needs to be spent digging through Backup Hell. YAY!
20. Start making scheduled "update" videos and 6sec videos (Twitter) linked to here and Facebook
21. Finish writing "A Million Lifetimes" Update (May 21): Had a great idea recently for this song. But, I need some bongos! Yup, bongos I said. I want to play them on the section that is currently what I think of as a bridge. I really love this idea. But, of course, this requires money, too. Oh, Money! How I despise you!!
22. Screw up every single sound (minus drums) on every single electronic track I have ever written
23. Make at least 3 new Slaptogether videos for Mr. S (Quiet Time, Rainbows, Mr. S Theme, Theme from "Rock!", Third Drink, Morning Time, etc)
24. Lay out a calendar with target finish dates for major projects
25. Take a damn break Update (May 21): I don't think I've actually taken a break from all this in months now. The only times that might count were forced. Like when I run into someone that wants to talk to me while I'm working in public. Or when I went home to see my parents. While I'm at work all I can think about is how much time is being wasted just trying to keep a place to live and buy food. If I could just live in a cardboard box with electricity and an internet connection and didn't need to eat, I'd be set. Tick-tock tick-tock, tick-tock, tick.
26. Finish lyrics for "Back To Work" Pseudo-Update: Got solid ideas to work with (playing russian roulette with Excel) Look up dangerous games; like chicken, russian roulette, etc and pair with office things.
27. Brainstorm projection video for Inner Party shows
28. Brainstorm ideas for and take new Inner Party pics
29. Make new designs for all IP web sites and implement Update (May 21): I've actually done a bit of this but not a whole lot. I redid the IP Sun thing for Facebook because the one that was up looked like some kind of internet relic; all pixelated and fuzzy and shit. I also made one that's kind of the opposite: IP Moon. I think I want to add a satellite, really close up and mostly off frame, to the extreme left side of it though before using it anywhere.
30. Scan all sketches of furniture designs
31. Design Mr. S shirts that can be made with Inkjet iron-ons and sell online, also posters Update: found out today that there are now iron-on sheets for inkjet printers that have a white layer so you can print on dark shirts. I hope HP makes some of those cos the brand I saw at WalMark today is one I have used (Avery) and they were horrible quality; they peel and crack and the color doesn't last. The HP iron-ons, on the other hand, have lasted surprisingly well. I have a shirt that I made around 2002 or 2003 that is still in perfectly good shape. Speaking of, I need to upload that graphic to Redbubble as a shirt design (Art Is For Sissies, muscle car thing) Regardless, this white layer iron-on thing is kind of a boon because all the designs that came to mind early on all would have had to be on black shirts and required white. So, maybe a win?
32. Design IP inkjet iron ons and print to sell at IP shows
33. Iron out all problems with Paypal so I can actually get paid for anything I might sell online
34. Find out if I can sell anything on that website Maryevelyn uses to sell stuff. Update: Found out and yes, I can. New #34: Scan Year of the Balloon Sketchbook and edit or create versions of all the sellable designs for shirts, phone cases (see #43), etc. Also, make account on that site.... Update:
Find or remake and upload "Art Is For Sissies" graphic to Redbubble as a shirt design (Art Is For Sissies, muscle car thing) Done. Also, considering that there are several free ones, I realized that it's stupid to sell things on only one. My decision is D: All of the above. So, the list for now is: Redbubble, Zazzle, and some others that I can't remember at the moment. It's been a couple of weeks since I put thought into this one.
35. Songza, Rhapsody, Tunecore, Playlist,
36. "Unclog" Soundcloud and straighten out all art there Update: Did some of this last night, kind of willy-nilly. "That song? Screw it! Delete." But there was some actual direction taking shape so moving in the right direction.
37. Talk to Simon about possibly playing along with a drum machine. Update: Simon has never done this but is willing to give it a whirl. I need to make some files with some drum parts set up and set a time to go try it out with just me and him, see what happens
38. Get EVERYTHING registered on my ASCAP
39. Write a real Mr. S bio and distribute among music sites
40. Unify art design across all sites Additional: Use images from Maryevelyn photo shoot for this purpose.
41. Figure out how to cross-promote art-music-art
42. Scan ALL sketch books (weeks of work!)
43. Find anything in sketchbooks that can be used as-is for shirts, prints, etc
44. Digitize all old 4-track tapes and mine them for anything good
45. Get voice synthesizer sorted, start using heavily
46. Write new IP songs
47. Write new Mr. S songs
48. Take guitar amp to the shop and figure out how to pay for it's repairs Update: Amp goes to the shop tomorrow. I hope the guy at Blue Moon isn't backed up with repairs right now. Update: Amp has been to the shop and repaired. It turned out, of course, to be a LOT of stuff and to cost about twice what I thought it was going to. But, amp fixed; and sounding really good. So, Another one down!
49. Clean my room Update: Done! Already dirty again... Update: I suppose this one would have a nearly infinite number of update so, whatever. Already cleaned it again. The neverending story right?
50. Keep going to work every day to pay the bills and wear me out and keep me from being able to do number one on this list
51. Using voice synthesizer, make announcements/MC stuff for live show
52. Pick a Mr. S song to have a video that is nothing but a black screen with some really, really nice title and end-title screens. Then, pick another song to have what seems like the exact same video, except make, either, little intermittent flashes of things on key song points. Or, have a full frame video in B&W that is toned down to be almost black with gray as the 'white.'
53. Research art competitions and make a list/calendar with all relevant info.
54. Make new list.
55. Go see the doctor.

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