Saturday, September 21, 2013

Musical Monstrosity No More!

I am writing to inform the millions of apoplectic readers of The Musical Monstrosity that this weblog will most likely be retired by the next full moon.

A Very Sad Face

Before they reach for their millions of filthy, snot-covered handkerchiefs, I suppose I should tell them that this is because a new, bigger and better "blog" will take it's place.

A Very Happy Face

This new weblog will be the main internet outlet and hub for all things produced by me (Mr. Festhalten), Mr. Miller, Ms. Taberna, and Mr. S, as well as little Bunny Prole: collectively "Burning City Studios." The name of this new endeavour is to be announced as soon as Ms. Taberna gets it sorted (which shouldn't take long as she is oh so clever.)

That is all, I should think, for now. Except Bunny would like for me to show them all this not very amusing image of what appears to be a squirrel playing a banjo.

Good day!
-Mr. Festhalten

A squirrel playing the banjo.
[Mr. Festhalten is an intern and general tool at the Studios. He is really of very little consequence but, as I am required to attempt to make him seem important here, I will say the following.]

Mr. Festhalten is an indispensable member of the Burning City Studios staff and actually does most of what he is asked, except when he doesn't.

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