Monday, March 5, 2012

Mr. S - Untitled (Dog On A Pole)

Untitled (Dog On A Pole)

Another seeming instant bit that I wrote this week. It should be the theme song for the "It Gets Better" campaign because it starts out crappy and gets better. Then I want to hear it again, and it starts out better. Then I want to hear it again, and I like the way it starts. And again, I really like the way it starts. Now, I'm addicted.

Another one I need to finish very soon. Cheers!!!

Untitled (Dirty Glass) (2 Hours Work with Errors)

Mr. S - Untitled (Dirty Glass) (2 Hrs Work) by Mr. S Musical Monstrosity

Untitled (Dirty Glass) (2 Hrs Work with Errors)

This is literally about two hours' work. I just started humming the simple little three note, five octave lead line and something about it told me to start programming. I have no idea what it was about it, it's really unremarkable. But with the rest, it becomes something more.

I can't wait to hear a finished version; which may never happen. And that, in the end, is probably for the best. Cheers!!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

R2D2 Tells A Scary Story

R2D2 Tells A Scary Story by Mr. S Musical Monstrosity

Late at night, in your best friend's back yard, you're sitting in a tent. You and five other kids are listening to a truly riveting scary story. You gasp as each new twist unfolds. You shriek with a combination of fear and excitement. You cover your ears, you cover your eyes. But nothing you can do can withstand the horror that is--R2D2's scary story!!

Just a bit of fun, really. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Pretty Girls Are Scaring Me

The Pretty Girls Are Scaring Me 07B by Mr. S Musical Monstrosity

Sitting in a bar, you notice an attractive girl sitting across from you. You periodically look over at her and eventually catch her eye and she actually seems happy you're looking at her. For a little while, you engage in that weird, smiley, eye play and it seems promising. Do you A)get up and go over and talk to her or, B)stay in your comfortable little space with your friends and your drink, where there is no danger of utter embarrassment?

How many times is it 'B?' Once? Ten times?
Welcome home!

(Photo: "Golden Girls" by Lomo-Cam on Flickr.
Used and edited under Creative Commons)

Coty Rides The Bus On A Tuesday Afternoon

Coty Rides The Bus On A Tuesday Afternoon by Mr. S Musical Monstrosity

It's a bland rainy Tuesday afternoon and Coty doesn't have a car.
Staring out the raindrop running window of the bus, this is the music she hears as she passes the damp busy people with their umbrellas and raincoats, trying to get their days work done without getting soaked; all dreaming of a warm place in a warm chair with some warm tea or coffee and a warm friend...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Morning Time (First Version)

Morning Time (First Version) by Mr. S Musical Monstrosity

I love noise and loud music but I HATE alarms. They nearly give me a heart attack in the morning. Some way to wake up.

This song, or a version very similar, is going to be the first track on my ‘Time’ album; all songs with time in the name a la ‘Nap Time,’ ‘Lunch Time.’ I’m attempting to make it thematically fall somewhere between an adult’s work day and a child’s school day with all the songs ordered chronologically from morning to night, kinda like that Moody Blues record.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Staplers On Kill (Rough Mix)

Staplers On Kill (Rough Mix) by Mr. S Musical Monstrosity

This is a jolly little dancy number, the theme song for the Secretaries Revolt. Scores of irate secretaries and other office staff attacking management and other upper level idiots with Swinglines, stapling ‘Kick Me’ notes written on manila folders to suits’ backs and yelling, “Alphabetize this!”

“Oh, I seem to have dropped my pen……”

This is the most recent song like thing I’ve written and so it’s my first post. It is mostly complete, it still needs some arrangement as I feel some parts get a little…. umm, hmm. Once finalized I’ll upload that thing then.

Now go build a snowman.

(Nota Bene: This is a repost from my first Mr. S blog "Mr. S's Musical Misadventures" with the original post date being early February of 2011.)